The cell quiz part 2

The cell2

  The cell quiz part 2

1. _______ collectively form Protoplasm

A. Nucleus+cytoplasm

B. Nucleus+cell membrane

C. Whole cell excluding cell membrane

D. Both A and C

2. The soluble part of the cytoplasm is called ______and it is ______% water.

A. Sarcoplasm, 70%

B. Cytosol, 70%

C. Sarcoplasm, 90%

D. Cytosol, 90%

3. Colloidal solutions may be Sol or gel, and gel is _________ and present in ___________.

A. Viscous, center

B. Non viscous, center

C. Viscous, periphery

D. Non viscous, periphery

4. There is _________in the cytoplasm due to which Mitochondria move in it.

A. Cytoplasmic streaming movement

B. Cytoplasmic jumping movement

C. Cytoplasmic hopping moving

D. Both A and C

5. Under an electron microscope you will see a network of channels extending through cytoplasm and appearing in contact with nucleus and often continuous with cell membrane is

A. Microtubules

B. Microfilaments

C. Endoplasmic reticulum

D. Both A and B

6. The channels of endoplasmic reticulum have membranes called __________ which keep the material in it separated from cytoplasmic material.

A. Cisternae

B. Cristae

C. Forming phase

D. Both A and C

7. The rough endoplasmic reticulum have _________attached to it and involved in synthesis of  ___________.

A. Mesosomes, DNA

B. Ribosomes, protein 

C. Mesosomes, protein

D. Ribosomes, DNA

8. ________is/are the function/s of SER

A. Detoxification

B. Metabolism of lipids

C. Protein synthesis

D. Both A and B

9. _______ first time studied tiny granular structure composed of equal amount of RNA and protein, and called________

A. Camelio golgi, golgi Apparatus

B. De duve, lysosomes

C. Palade, ribosomes

D.De duve, Peroxisome

10. Stacks of flattened membrane bounded sacs are called ________and together with associated vesicles called__________.

A. Forming phase, maturation face

B. Ribosome, polysome

C. Endoplasmic reticulum, cisternae

D. Cisternae, golgi complex

11. In Eukaroytes The larger subunit of ribosome sediment at _____and smaller at ________ respectively

A. 60S, 40S

B. 80S, 20S

C. 40S, 60S

D. 20S, 80S

12. Two subunits of ribosomes in Eukaryotes form ________particle.

A. 60S

B. 80S

C. 100S

D. 120S

13. The attachment of two subunits of ribosomes is controlled by presence of

A. Ca+2 ions

B. Mg+2 ions

C. Na+ ions

D. K+ ions

14. The ribosomes get attached to m RNA through_______subunit and such group of ribosomes is called________.

A. Small, mesosome

B. Large, mesosome

C. Small, polysome

D. Large, polysome

15. Ribosomes are synthezed in _________and these new ribosomes are assembled in _________ before transportation to cytoplasm.

A. Nucleolus, Nucleolus

B. Nucleolus, endoplasmic reticulum

C. Nucleus, golgi bodies

D. Nucleus, Mitochondria

16. In Golgi apparatus the outer______surface is forming face and inner ________surface is maturing face.

A. Convex, concave

B. Concave, convex

C. Concave, biconvex

D. Biconcave, convex

17. The cisternae breakup into vesicles from__________surface.

A. Inner concave

B. Inner convex

C. Outer concave

D. Outer convex

18. Proteins are converted to glycoproteins in 

A. Ribosomes

B. Nucleus

C. Golgi apparatus

D. lysosomes

19. Lysosomes perform

A. Homeostasis

B. Phagocytosis

C. Exocytosis

D. Both B and C

20. Lysosomes are simple sacs rich in ________ and several other _______enzymes.

A. Acid sulphatase, lipolytic

B. Acid phosphatase, lipolytic

C. Acid sulphatase, hydrolytic

D. Acid phosphatase, hydrolytic

21. Digestive vacuoles and autophahosomes are also known as

A. Primary lysosomes

B. Secondary lysosomes

C. Mesosome

D. Peroxisome

22. The lysosomes which eat their own parts are called

A. Autophagy

B. Hetrophagy

C. Autosomes

D. Autophagosomes

23. In glycogenosis type 2 the enzyme that degrades ________ to _______ is absent.

A. Glycogen , starch

B. Glycogen , cellulose

C. Glycogen , glucose

D. Glucose , Glycogen

24. Tay-sach's disease is due to the absence of enzyme required for the catabolism of

A. Lipids

B. Glycogen

C. Protein

D. Both B and C

25. De-duve and coworkers found peroxisomes from liver cells and they are enriched in_______

A. Peroxidase

B. Catalase

C. Glycolic acid oxidase

D. All

26. Peroxisomes have been found in

A. Protozoa 

B. yeast

C. Animals

D. All

27. The diameter of peroxisomes is _______and  of chloroplast ranges between_________ respectively.

A. 0.5um, 4-6um

B. 1.5um, 2-4um

C. 2um, 1-2 um

D. 2.5um, 0.5-1um

28. Glyoxysomes are present in

A. Plants

B. Animals

C. Pea plant

D. All

29. In seeds rich in lipids, glyoxysomes are sites for break down of_______ to _______.

A. Fatty acid, succinate

B. Fatty acid, carbonate

C. Succinate, fatty acid

D. Carbonate, fatty acid

30.  Plant vacuole is the major contributor to the

A. Phagocytosis

B. autophagy

C. Turgor

D. Flaccidity

31. The main protein/s present in cytoskeleton is/are

1. Tubulin

2. Actin

3. Myosin

4. All

32. Cillia, flagella, basal body and centriole can form by assembly of

A. Ribosomes

B. Microtubules

C. Microfilaments

D. Intermediate filament

33. Cyclosis and amoeboid movements are due to

A. Microtubules

B. Microfilaments

C. Intermediate filament

D. Tungsten filament

34. The two centrioles are usually placed in such a way that they make mostly an angle of

A. 90°

B. 40°

C. 20°

D. 120°

35. Observing the cross section of centriole you will find ____arrays of microtubules each of them is further consist of __________tubules.

A. 9, 3

B. 3, 9

C. 12,3

D. 3,12

36. Centrioles are present in

A. Higher plants only

B. Animals and some microorganisms

C. Lower plants

D. Both B and C

37. Centriole play important role at________during cell division

A. location of protein synthesis

B. Location of ribosome synthesis

C. Location of furrowing

D. Location of burrowing

38. Mitochondria is the power house of a

A. Prokaryotic cell

B. Eukaryotic cell

C. Not of Eukaryotic cell 

D. Both A and C

39. The inner membrane of Mitochondria forms infolds called_________into inner chamber called__________

A. Cisternae, mitochondrial matrics

B. Cristae, mitochondrial matrics

C. Cisternae, Mitochondrial matrix

D. Cristae, Mitochondrial matrix